Ryo Laene
The primary protagonist of Save: Me, Ryo is catapulted into the mysterious realm of Asylum following an apocalyptic event on Earth. His true nature is revealed as a Void-touched, a rare and god-like entity known for its chaotic impact on worlds. Beset by war and estrangement from his past, Ryo dedicates his life to healing his friend, Sara. He’s corny, awkward, and sarcastic by nature. He also occasionally makes mistakes due to misplaced confidence, but he generally attempts to do the right thing.
A spectral entity residing in the Ethereal dimension, Haven is Ryo’s telepathic guide, offering him wisdom in combat and mystical arts. A victim of the Wretch’s curse, she is a formidable mage and a well-regarded scholar known to her followers as the Saintess of Light and has a vast base across many realms. Her vast knowledge makes her an indispensable ally to Ryo.
Sara C le
A central figure in Ryo’s life, Sara is his oldest friend and silent companion, rendered soulless and comatose due to the Earth event. Her condition catalyzes Ryo’s quest for strength and knowledge in Asylum.
Ruby Morr w
A distinguished female Elite in the League, Ruby leads a dual life as a bakery owner by day and a healer/assassin by night. Her relationship with Ryo evolves into a fiery romance, sometimes including her friend Hayle in the mischief.
Hayle Græygarten
A member of the prestigious Græygarten family, Hayle serves as one of Ryo’s combat instructors and closest comerades. Specializing in ice magic, she forms a deep connection with Ryo, growing into a more personal relationship as the story progresses.
Axel D’elf
Ryo’s best friend and Mystic companion, Axel, is known for his interest in Earth’s culture and potent lightning magic. Ranking as the second strongest Elite in the Blades of the Wyrm Legion, his eccentric yet powerful nature is a key aspect of his character.
R x Blazye
Positioned as Axel’s rival and the esteemed champion of the Blades legion, Rox is a celebrated Hero and master of ghost-flame magic. His ability to disintegrate both weapon and bone makes him a feared adversary in Asylum.
Azreal Tempes
The renowned leader of the Nocturna Lumina guild, Azreal stands as one of the most powerful mages on the planet. He plays a dual role as Ryo’s magic instructor and confidante, guiding him in his magical journey.
​The Wretch
The story’s principal antagonist, responsible for the cataclysm on Earth. As a member of the Faceless Coven, her formidable powers and ancient lineage make her one of Asylum’s most enigmatic and powerful beings. She is always there, waiting in the dark, watching for those who stray too far from the path.
The Tall Woman
A mysterious and supremely powerful figure in Save: Me, her abilities are so vast that she can subdue even the most formidable warriors and demi-gods. Later in the series, she becomes Ryo’s mentor, intriguing enough to break her rule and take him as her protégé.